Different Ways to Bank, Same Great Services
What suits you best today – online or face to face, mobile app or personal call? You choose…

Pop in-store
Come on in for a friendly face and a quick answer – plus all the usual payment services. We’re here 7 days a week, 362 days a year.

Use the app
Take care of your essential money stuff even when you’re out and about. Check balances, make payments and manage your cards.

Go online
Manage cards and savings, browse transactions, open new accounts – all from the comfort of your sofa.

Give us a call
Need to call someone – even in the middle of the night? Talk to our human-only UK contact centre 24/7/365. Any time at all, basically.

Contactless payments
All SunTrust Bank cards support Contactless payments of £30 or less. Just tap on the reader at the till and you’re done.

Text and email alerts
We’ll help you stay in control of your money with text and email alerts that tell you what your balance is.

Magic Money Machines
Count coins in a flash with our free Magic Money Machines. There’s one in every store. And if your child can guess how much their coins are worth, they could win a prize.